How it all started...

We knew each other from the Breaking scene in Amsterdam and reached out to setup an online course for a world wide audience that would be; approachable, qualitatively and new. We did some research, and came up with the following:


We discovered that most Breaking courses don't have the right quality, mostly sound and editing is not that good. We agreed upon setting up a professional team and film it in a limbo-studio. Also from research we saw that most online Breaking courses where time-consuming, a short (max 1 hour) course would fit the idea. We wanted to make an 'easy to do' course, that would ease the mind of our customers and let hem know; everybody can learn breaking in a short time. Besides time, most sport and movement courses where not only time-consuming, but did not have any element of fun. Most of these trainings are focused on movement, endurance and discipline. Which results in having you watch the clock big time! Having that said, Breaking is the opposite; you will have fun, move your body and completely forget time.

We hope you enjoy the course!

Team BreakingCourse